XeroBank Browser v2.0.0.10a 多国语言版 - 整合了Tor和ireFox的便携版浏览器

XeroBank Browser(原Torpark) 整合了Tor(The Onion Router[洋葱头表层代理网络])和Deer Park Alpha(实验版本FireFox),主要的特点就是可以整套放在移动硬盘随身携带,随处使用加密浏览。使用也非常方便,关闭FireFox,启动XeroBank Browser即可自动寻找代理。
~从Firefox起,为了避免与Tor混淆,Torpark改名为XeroBank Browser~
xB Browser is the free anonymous web browser. You're just a click away from anonymous surfing right now! The benefits of xB Browser is that it allows you to securely and anonymously surf the internet, bypass firewalls and website censorship. For enhanced privacy, xB Browser clears history of browing and deletes cookies when you close the browser.
The main advantages compared to other anonymous web browsers is that xB Browser requires no configuration, technical knowledge, or installation in order to achieve anonymity. xB Browser is open source so you can feel safe knowing what goes into xB Browser. Additionally, it is even portable on a USB stick so you can take it to work, school, or on vacation.
xB Browser can also be upgraded to blazing fast speed by opening a XeroBank Plus account. XeroBank clients have access to customized versions of XeroBank software, as well as the benefits of offshore email access. We are so sure you are going to love XeroBank Plus accounts, we are giving away FREE 3-day demo accounts!
http://update.xerobank.com/distr ... owser_2.0.0.10a.exe